Qin Shi-huang was the king of Qin in the period of the Warring --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- States. From 230 BC to 221 BC, Qin succeeded in annexing all the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- other six states, Han, Wei, Chu, Yan, Zhao, and Qi. For the first time, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in Chinese history the whole country was unified under a strong cen- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- tralized, autocratic feudal government. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Qin Shi-huang ruled with great skill. For example, the officials --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- were titled aristocrats, yet their positions were not hereditary. The country was divided into provinces which were subdivided into --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- counties. For the first time a standard written language was applied throughout the whole country. So were currency, weights, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and measures. Qin also built the Great Wall that zigzagged for 10,000 li.